Kílhraun Horse Farm |
Kilhraun |
Kílhraun |
Guðmundur Þórðarson og Kristjana Kjartansdóttir
eru ábúendur á Kílhrauni á Skeiðum.
Jörðin er um 500 km2 og hafa Kílhraun hefur stundað
hestabúskap í 50 ár. Í dag er fjöldi
hrossa um 100 og eru að jafnaði 25hross í tamningu.
The couple Guðmundur
Þórðarson and Kristjana Kjartansdóttir live at
Kílhraun, Skeiðum. The farm is about 500 km2. Kilhraun has
been a horse-farming last 50 years. Today are about 100 horses on the
farm and it is usualy 25 horses in traning.
a long time, horses have been bred at Kílhraun. In 1971, Guðmundur
Þórðarson and his wife Kristjana Kjartansdóttir
took over at Kílhraun from Guðmundur's parents, and they have
run a horse breeding farm there ever since.
For their breeding, they only use highly judged 1st prized stallions,
such as Orri frá Þúfu, Piltur frá Sperðli,
Kjarval frá Sauðárkróki, Jarl frá Búðardal
and other young and talented sires.
The breeding goal is to produce beautiful horses, with good characters
and correct and impressive gaits.
Most of the horses that have been sold from Kílhraun have been
sent abroad, but there is also always some demand on the domestic market.
The greatest demand is for well behaving horses with good tölt, so
we always try to have such horses available. We also have quite a few
silver dapple horses for sale.
It is possible to view our sales list on our website, by clicking it here
above. There, you will also find information about the other horses at
our stud farm.
You are welcome to come and visit us and see it all for yourself!
To mention few famous
horse name from Kilhraun: Glitfaxi, Dropi, Blúnda and Þokki
For a long time, horses
have been bred at Kílhraun. In 1971, Guðmundur Þórðarson
and his wife Kristjana Kjartansdóttir took over at Kílhraun
from Guðmundur's parents, and they have run a horse breeding farm
there ever since.
For their breeding, they only use highly judged 1st prized stallions,
such as Orri frá Þúfu, Piltur frá Sperðli,
Kjarval frá Sauðárkróki, Jarl frá Búðardal
and other young and talented sires.
The breeding goal is to produce beautiful horses, with good characters
and correct and impressive gaits.
Most of the horses that have been sold from Kílhraun have been
sent abroad, but there is also always some demand on the domestic market.
The greatest demand is for well behaving horses with good tölt, so
we always try to have such horses available. We also have quite a few
silver dapple horses for sale.
It is possible to view our sales list on our website, by clicking it here
above. There, you will also find information about the other horses at
our stud farm.
You are welcome to come and visit us and see it all for yourself!
To mention few famous
horse name from Kilhraun: Glitfaxi, Dropi, Blúnda and Þokki
Hrossarækt hefur verið stunduð um langt skeið á
Kílhrauni en Guðmundur Þórðarson og kona hans
Kristjana Kjartansdóttir tóku við búinu af foreldrum
Guðmundar árið 1971 og reka þau hrossaræktarbúið.
Til framræktunar nota þau aðeins hátt dæmda
1.verðlauna stóðhesta eins og Orra frá Þúfu,
Pilt frá Sperðli, Kjarval frá Sauðárkróki,
Jarl frá Búðardal ásamt ungum og efnilegum stóðhestum.
Ræktunartakmarkið er að rækta falleg, skapgóð,
hreingeng og gangmikil hross.
Hestasala hefur aðalega verið á erlenda markaði en
þó alltaf eitthvað innanlands
mest eftirspurn er eftir þægum vel töltgengum hrossum
og er því áhersla lögð á að eiga
þá hestgerð alltaf til. Einnig eigum við til þónokkuð
af vindóttum hrossum til sölu. Hægt er að skoða
lista yfir söluhross á heimasíðu okkar með
því að smella á slóðina hér
að ofan.
Einnig er þar að finna nánari upplýsingar um hross
frá búinu.
Komið og skoðið því sjón er sögu
Nefna má nokkur
þekkt nöfn frá Kílhrauni, eins og Glitfaxa, Dropa,
Blúndu og Þokka.